Aid to Victims of the Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake and Tsunami

March 18, 2011
Mitsui Chemicals,Inc.

Mitsui Chemicals extends its sincerest sympathy to all persons affected by the Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake of March 11, 2011.

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. ("MCI") (Toshikazu Tanaka, President & CEO), with its Head Office in Tokyo, announced today additional aid to the March 11th Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake and Tsunami victims.

The Company donated 50 million yen (50,000,000 yen) in aid and made product donations on March 14th, however as the number of victims and extent of damage becomes clearer, the Company decided to pledge an additional 50 million yen (50,000,000 yen) in aid and additional product donations to the Earthquake and Tsunami victims.

1. Additional Aid

50 million yen (50 million yen was donated on March 14th)

2. Product Donations

Polyurethane mats, plastic sheets, and other items

3. Other

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. and Mitsui Chemicals affiliates and subsidiaries are collecting employee donations which will be forwarded to earthquake and tsunami victims in late March through appropriate victim assistance programs.


Aid to Victims of the Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake and Tsunami(PDF:82KB)PDF